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What is the best adsense placement for a website? Register Here

Posted by frizzer901
Registered User
01 Aug 2017 11:56

Where is the best place to put adsense ads on my website?

Posted by BrettB
Registered User
01 Aug 2017 17:22

Hi Frizzer,

I've had a lot of experience in ad placement over the years. I have had my Adsense account for 15 years now! Also one of my niches has a very high CTR. I regularly got 10 - 20% CTR! So from this I got a lot of test data.

The first thing I recommend is that you set up separate AdSense Ad Channels for each of the ad blocks on your site(s). Then you will know which channels get the most clicks.

If you have a website with a side bar then to get more clicks, you need to put the side bar on the left hand side. Oh, this assumes you have adverts in the side bar of course!

The next best place is to put an advert in the first paragraph of your text. Word wrap the text around the advert. The square or rectangular adverts are best for this (e.g. 250x250, 336x380 sized).

Also an advert at the bottom of your content can do well. I got quite good CTR from the advert just after the closing paragraph of my content.

I don't like adverts at the top right hand side of the page. In other words adverts opposite the site logo and above the top menu. They never really have good CTR for me. Just bear this in mind because too many WordPress templates put an advert block in this space!

I prefer to put an extra menu there, or a search facility can work well in that space. On Niche Laboratory you can see I put the social buttons there. I don't get much traffic from them - it's a rubbish part of the screen to be honest!

As far as advert types go, image ads always do better for me than the text link ones. I also do better turning personalised ads off.

Finally remember that CTR depends more on the niche than anything else. Some niches have huge CTR, and you will get a high CTR regardless of where your adverts are. Dating has an incredibly high CTR.

Good luck!

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Kelvin   06 June 2019

Been around since 2009 means you've had so much experience in this space. I'm really considering expanding into promoting products in other niches using paid ads but my limitation is that I don't know how to speak a second language.

I agree with you that low gravity shouldn't be a criterion for selecting products to promote as there are some uncompetitive products with very low gravity. I'll like to add some characteristics of products you shouldn't promote:

1. Clickbank products that have (external) ads on their sales page
2. Products with buy buttons that do not go to the Clickbank order page
3. Products that exaggerate their promises, especially financial promises. Promises like these will lead to high refund rates (most MMO products have refund rates over 20% in fact).
4. Unresponsive vendors. Before starting to promote a product, ALWAYS contact the vendor (ask for a review copy, or ask a question about the product, or just introduce yourself). If you get no reply within 48hours do NOT promote the product.

Recently, I came across a course created by Clickbank's current #1 affiliate that claims to teach people how to drive traffic to Clickbank offers using Facebook Ads. I've seen some good reviews and positive testimonies online about the course. Here's one

What do you think about the course?