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Saki Says...

Stuck for niche ideas? Try writing down everything you've done in the last year, then narrowing down that list to 2-3 things you'd enjoy blogging about. You don't even need to be an expert in these things, but it is useful if you have a desire to learn more about them.

Free Blog Title Generator - Generate Cool Article Ideas For Your Blog or Website

Stuck for ideas? Use this free Blog Title Generator to come up with some catchy clickbait blog titles and ideas for your niche. To use the Blog Title Generator, just type in your keyword or niche topic into the text box below and click on the Get Titles button. It works better with nouns (e.g. dog toys, hamster wheels). You might need to tweak some of the titles depending on whether you enter a singular or plural niche idea. Also bear in mind some of the ideas it comes up with might be total rubbish for your niche. If you need even more clickbait headlines, then just click the button again.

Need even more ideas? Our Niche Laboratory keyword finder tool can research your niche for you, and Blog Spy analyzes your competitors in the blogosphere. You can also use our FindABlog blog directory to find Wordpress and Blogger blogs in thousands of lucrative niches. If you want some product ideas for your store or Amazon affiliate site, then check out the Product Laboratory. There's also the Physical Niche Finder for finding niches where you can make big money from selling physical products to your customers.



Check Out Our YouTube Video Title Generator Too - It's FREE!

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Blog Clickbait Title Generator Tips

Here are some tips for making the most of the headlines you can generate using this free service. Coming up with catchy post names for your blog could lead to a big increase in traffic, at little additional effort. has a 1.5% average CTR from Google search results. By comparison, a site I started in 2018 has a 17.7% CTR, mainly due to my taking a little bit more effort when coming up with headlines for my articles and posts. It was well worth doing this because this site is now just about my only site that's seeing a regular increase in traffic referrals from Google. So you can see that putting some thought into your post titles has never been more important!

What to Include in a Great Headline

When writing your headlines, try to incorporate these features:

  • People love numbers. So including numbers in your headlines is a good tip. For some reason, unusual odd numbers work well, e.g. 27 Keyword Tools for Micro Niche Research, or 59 Click Bait Sites That Are Killing It Right Now.
  • As well as numbers, also try out dates and maybe even times. Dates will work well so try to incorporate them into your post names. Of course putting the current year in the title will be the most obvious thing to do here. Year and month could work well if you have a high traffic site and you're in an ultra competitive niche.
  • Make sure your click bait headline matches your article or you will be penalised by both search engines and real users.
  • Negative wording can work well when you're coming up with click bait titles. Play on our insecurities, e.g. Are Your Clickbait Blog Headlines Losing You Traffic?. We also hate to think we're going to miss out on something.
  • Use interesting adjectives to describe your niche.
  • Some action words are really powerful and are ultimate inclusions in clickbait article titles. Try these: buy, find, download, search, listen, watch, learn and access. "Free" is also very powerful but be wary of using it in your post titles. People searching for free stuff are far less likely to buy any of your offerings so do you really want this kind of traffic?
  • Good headlines aren't necessarily long. Try to keep them short and sweet. 50-60 characters is a good length apparently.
  • Don't get carried away by your creativity. Remember to include your keyword in the headline!

Finally, remember to spend a little more time on coming up with an awesome title for your post. Again, it can make all the difference. has a 1.5% average CTR from Google search results. The site I started in 2018 has a 17.7% CTR, mainly due to my taking a little bit more effort when coming up with headlines for my articles and posts.

ClickBait - Beware of the Dangers

While using clickbait headlines can draw in visitors, just remember not to mislead them. Facebook had a problem with a lot of clickbait headlines appearing on peoples' news feeds. The result was that it demoted these stories and they've ended up being a victim of their own success. I've certainly noticed a big reduction in those click bait posts that promised you a really good article, but then you had to click through several pages of rubbish to find what you originally wanted to know about.

Two things can annoy your blog or website visitors:

  1. Writing half a headline, e.g. This Lady Put Her Head in the Lion's Mouth, Then This Happened... of course the person is going to click through to your article just to find out the end of the story. This can work really well (too well in the case of Facebook) but if you don't show the user an instant answer to what happened, then you'll just annoy them. I know that when I clicked on clickbait that disappointed me I clicked on the hide this site option. Of course Facebook and other companies will use precisely this kind of data to work out what their users like.
  2. Whatever your headline, make sure you deliver on your promise! For example, how annoying would it be to click on a link for a clickbait headline generator, only to discover that there was no actual headline generator? Don't mislead either - if you say in your title that something is free, then make sure it really is free. I had this trouble recently when I wanted some software for creating YouTube videos!

Give Your Site a Makeover!

Remember that as well as using this tool to create headlines for new articles, you could retro-fit new titles to old posts. It's generally much easier to improve the rankings of an existing article, than to rank a brand new article.

Test Your Headlines

If you have a system in place for A/B testing then test your new blog title headlines! Companies like Amazon and Google make thousands of little changes and test absolutely everything. If you have enough traffic to do so, then try it out and measure the changes.

If you use Google Search Console or Analytics then remember that you can see your pages' click-through rates in your Search Console data.

I usually find that the Niche Laboratory pages have a click through rate of around 1.5%. Maybe I should write better post titles on my own website! I've fared much better in other niches. A site I started in 2018 has a CTR of 17.7% from Google SERPs. I think this is largely down to the fact that I've been writing some really interesting post titles. I tend to capitalise my post names - you should definitely try this.

One other thing that's worth doing too is using square brackets in your article titles. For example: [Question] Do You Want More SERPs Traffic? I've also seen articles use regular brackets to achieve much the same objective.

Read Marketing Blogs

The art of successful headline writing is a subtle one. So read plenty of marketing blogs for ideas of how to create that perfect headline. Here's a nice article about writing headlines that aren't boring. This article promises the formula for the perfect headline. Finally, here's etsy's research about the optimal length of a URL title.

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Get A FREE Backlink

How long do you spend writing blog posts? Well I'm sorry to say it's all a waste of time unless you have backlinks. Take advantage of our FREE dofollow backlink offer - Niche Laboratory is giving away dozens of FREE "dofollow" backlinks through 2025. To get one all you need to do is to become one of the first three people to comment on any page on this website. Scroll down to the bottom to get to the commments section. Just make sure your comment is high quality and adds value to this site.

Analyze Your Competitors

Niche Laboratory has a new sister product called Blog Spy. You can use it to spy on YOUR competitors in the blogosphere!

Blog Spy ranks each of the Wordpress or Blogger blogs you're competing with on a colour coded scale according to how easy it is likely to be to outrank them. Use this invaluable information to steal traffic from sites ranked lower than your own. Reach out to the influencers running blogs that are more highly ranked than your own. Get links from their blogs, and see what they're obviously doing right.

For example, when I ran Blog Spy on my own site I found out my major competitor Income School don't actually actually blog anymore - they've turned to video blogging (vlogging). Well that was a smart move because video is absolutely massive these days, and I'm pleased with my own results with NicheLaboratory.TV.

If you don't want to download Blog Spy then check out our sister site FindABlog. This site lists tens of thousands of blogs in a huge number of niches. Use it to get niche ideas, or browse the categories to see what successful bloggers are blogging about in your niche.

Find Awesome Keywords

There are so many keyword tools to choose from these days. But how do you find keywords you can ACTUALLY rank for? Simple - use Long Tail Pro. This tool automatically finds you the keywords that matter - those you can actually rank for. You save time by focusing on good keywords, and you could easily increase your traffic 6x by simply creating more content that people want to read. Get started with this trial offer priced at just $1.


Find 1000's of long tail keywords for your website - CLICK HERE to get started...

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Website Traffic Zone   06 March 2019

Do you find the more "click-baity" a title, the lower the quality of the visitor?