Niche Research Tools
Here's a few niche and keyword research tools you might like. If you find any more not listed here, then
get in touch and I'll add them to this list.
Ways of Monetising Your Site
- Let's make some money! PeerFly is a great Ad Network to join if you've got some traffic to your niche website and
want to monetise it. PeerFly is especially good at monetising general traffic (surveys and competition offers do especially well). They've also
got some great offers in the bizopps and dating niches.
Keyword Tools
Use the Tool I use to find my keywords! As well as using the Niche Laboratory, I also use Keyword Researcher.
This tool is really awesome for finding long tail keywords. For example, when researching ideas for articles to write for the Niche Laboratory website
I found these two phrases using the tool: wordpress themes for niche websites and micro niche sites templates. I guess I should write an article
called 10 Killer WordPress Templates for Your New Niche Website...
- AnswerThePublic is a good companion to the Niche Laboratory. It works great in some niches, less well in others.
Other Useful Resources
- Make clickbait headlines and article ideas with our Blog Headline Generator. Works for any niche or topic!
- Need Forums? Then check out FindAForum.Net. I built this site back in 2013 as a replacement
for the sadly missed big-boards.com. FindAForum makes it easy to search for forums and discussion boards in a wide range of niches. Forums
can be a great source of traffic to your site, but be sure to observe the rules that the forum owners set, particularly on the use of
promotional links and .sig links to your own web properties. Another good way of driving traffic to your site from forums is by cutting
advertising deals with the forum owners. Most have no idea how valuable forum visitors are, so you'll often be able to strike really
good deals, and spend much less on advertising than you would if you used AdSense or another advertising network.
Stuff to Read
- Like success stories? Spencer Haws' blog at Niche Pursuits is
full of interesting stories about making money from niche sites and other ventures. I emphasise other ventures
because Spencer is living proof that there is much more to making money online than just building WordPress micro-niche sites. There
are all kinds of other ways of making money online. I particularly like his stories about his Amazon FBA business. I've
got quite a few trustworthy contacts in China and I can also build websites, so that's definitely something I should think about doing.
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06 April 2019
Another help resource is my business name availability search tool! It checks all 50 state business registrars, US Patent and Trademark office, as well as the major social media sites and domain TLDs for your name. Check it out at www.formalfounder.com
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