Building a product-based website? The Product Laboratory will help find you brainstorm product ideas.
Research drop-shipping niches at our Niche Store Directory site: FindAStore.Net
Estimate Of Niche Popularity
Estimated popularity score for your niche is {{Competitiveness}}% (0 = easy, 100 = very hard).
This niche is a less popular one with bloggers, so you could potentially do well in this niche.
This niche is fairly popular with bloggers. However, with good keyword research and a solid backlinking profile, you could do OK in this niche.
This niche is very popular with bloggers. You'll need to work hard to rank well in this niche!
No. | Niche |
{{$index + 1}}. | {{niche}} |
Download Niche Laboratory Pro And Get Stacks of Ideas for ANY Niche - CLICK HERE to find out more
Hi, I'm Brett B and welcome to Niche Laboratory's Physical Niche Finder. I've had years of experience making money from digital products such as software and eBooks. But you do realise that the BIG money is in physical products, right? It's easy to get carried away by digital this and that. So don't forget there's a whole load of real world products that people want to buy RIGHT NOW.
What's more, these niches are often excellent for starting small local businesses. Or you can create your own consulting business and help buyers in these niches make the right decisions to satisfy their needs. Use the product niche finder on this page to find these lucrative niches.
Many of the products in these niches also have high price tags. If you start an affiliate store in these niches then you could potentially make some really big commissions. I promote a few offers that pay out 75% commission on a $125 order. Every time I make a sale through one of my sites then I bank almost $94! Think how few sales you would have to make each month to make a huge difference to your personal finances...
My tip is to look for B2B products and niches. Often there is less competition from your fellow bloggers. I once made a fortune from the B2B software niche for example. I only had 3 competitors in my niche. Of those, one product was $1450 more than what I charged for my product. The other product was built by a non-native English speaker and was rather strange.
A lot of these physical niches you can find on this page are in the B2B niche. When you're thinking of establishing a micro niche site then don't just think about your hobbies and interests. You day job and career might offer some really good opportunities to start your own business or even just a micro niche website. Many of my own projects over the years have come out of things I've encountered during my day job. In fact my biggest ever money making idea came after I was shown some business software in one of my day jobs.
Get started with the Micro Niche Finder app by entering some keywords in the text box above to see your customised list of niches. If you're totally out of ideas, then click on the Lucky Dip button!
If you see 20 niche ideas listed then this vertical could be quite a wide one. Click on the Find Niches button again and you might get even more niche ideas.
If you find a niche you might potentially be interested in then don't forget to copy and paste the keyword into the main Niche Laboratory tool. Or download Niche Laboratory Pro to find even more ideas in your chosen niche, plus get a better idea of how competitive it is.
NEW! The Micro Niche Finder now shows you how popular your chosen niche is likely to be. Don't waste time in super competitive niches! Keep thinking of ideas until you find a niche you can have virtually all to yourself.
How long do you spend writing blog posts? Well I'm sorry to say it's all a waste of time unless you have backlinks. Take advantage of our FREE dofollow backlink offer - Niche Laboratory is giving away dozens of FREE "dofollow" backlinks through 2025. To get one all you need to do is to become one of the first three people to comment on any page on this website. Scroll down to the bottom to get to the commments section. Just make sure your comment is high quality and adds value to this site.
Remember - however good your content is, it just won't rank unless you have plenty of backlinks spread around different online properties. I can pretty much rank for any keyword on Niche Laboratory. Why? Because it has loads of backlinks! I've done the reverse of most people - I got backlinks, now I'm adding content. This strategy actually works a lot better than writing content then getting links.
Niche Laboratory has a new sister product called Blog Spy. You can use it to spy on YOUR competitors in the blogosphere!
Blog Spy ranks each of the Wordpress or Blogger blogs you're competing with on a colour coded scale according to how easy it is likely to be to outrank them. Use this invaluable information to steal traffic from sites ranked lower than your own. Reach out to the influencers running blogs that are more highly ranked than your own. Get links from their blogs, and see what they're obviously doing right.
For example, when I ran Blog Spy on my own site I found out my major competitor Income School don't actually actually blog anymore - they've turned to video blogging (vlogging). Well that was a smart move because video is absolutely massive these days, and I'm pleased with my own results with NicheLaboratory.TV.
If you already have an e-commerce store using Amazon affiliate links then you definitely need to check out EasyAzon. Not only does it save you valuable time, you could also find that your affiliate income could soar! Here's what Spencer Haws of Niche Pursuits says about it: " I use EasyAzon on all my sites monetized with Amazon now. The plugin makes adding and managing affiliate links so much faster and easier. I recommend it all the time to other people building Amazon sites; its a great plugin. "
There are so many keyword tools to choose from these days. But how do you find keywords that people are actively searching for? Simple - use Keyword Researcher Pro. This software automatically finds you the keywords that matter - those really long tail keywords people are actively searching for every day. You save time by focusing on good keywords, and you could easily increase your traffic 6x by simply creating more content that people want to read. Get started with Keyword Researcher Pro.
Did you like using this free SEO tool? I'd love to know what you're going to do with the data it's generated for you.
The first 3 visitors to post a comment on this page get a free "dofollow" link to their own website!
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