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Niche Laboratory Insights

Niche Laboratory Insights gives you a little bit of information about what other users of the Niche Laboratory are working on (without giving any secrets away).

Relative Niche Difficulty - Top Level Topics

The chart below shows the average (mean) difficulty rating that the Niche Laboratory has assigned to each job run in each of the 12 top level DMOZ categories.

The top level DMOZ Categories are: Arts, Business, Computers, Games, Health, Home, Kids and Teens, News, Recreation, Reference, Regional, Science, Shopping, Society, Sport and World.

All of these categories should be self explanatory although I'll mention that DMOZ has tended to dump any sites that's aren't primarily written in English into the World category. What does this mean for you? It means that if you're fluent in languages other than English, then don't forget there's often good money to be made by setting up non-English niche sites, as there's generally a lot less competition in the search results for non-English queries!

And if you're starting a niche site, I guess it goes without saying that your job is going to be made marginally easier if you pick a less competitive niche. However, just bear in mind that if you have a geniunely novel idea in a competitive niche then you stand to make really big money!

Personally I've tried and failed in the fiercely competitive property niche (despite having a really good idea), but I did rather better in the much less competitive online dating niche.

At the time of writing the Business and Computers niches are the least competitive according to this chart. It's a useful reminder that B2B and work-related niches can be very profitable. In 2002 I started a software business based on an idea I came across in my day job. The idea was related to building tools for automatically documenting application source code. I ended up selling hundreds of copies of my software, and for many years I was pretty much the market leader in this particular niche. I also found it was good selling to businesses because they tend to be better payers, and don't mind paying high prices if there is a good return on their investment. In my case the software I built saved companies many hours of manual labour.

Relative Niche Difficulty - Breakdown by Sub Topics

OK so this is a really long table but have a good look through as it may shed light on some undiscovered niches that are great to blog about.

This table shows the main DMOZ categories and sub-categories, plus some data associated with Niche Laboratory jobs in these categories.

The two data columns show:

  1. Difficulty: This is the average difficulty score calculated by the Niche Laboratory for keyword searches performed for this particular niche. If you're thinking of starting a blog in this niche then a lower difficulty score is better! Look for green theromometers () as these highlight topics that should be full of undiscovered niches. Red thermometers () tell you there's plenty of competition, so just be aware that to be successful in this niche you're going to have to spend a lot of money, or come up with a really nice angle on the topic. On the other hand the more difficult niches offer rich rewards to those who can get traffic in that niche, as advertisers will be queuing up to advertise on your site!
  2. Popularity: This shows how many Niche Laboratory jobs have been submitted in each topic. More hearts () = more popularity. This is a good indicator of how many Internet Marketers are active in each niche. Unsurprisingly you'll find that pets, clothing and health are particularly popular. Don't be put off by the popularity of a niche - it may also mean there's more chance of success.

Incidentially this data is constantly updated, so bookmark this page and check back from time to time.

Category Sub-Category Difficulty Popularity
Arts Chats and Forums
Arts Costumes
Arts Web Rings
Arts Education
Arts Graphic Design
Arts Video
Arts Digital
Arts Design
Arts Magazines and E-zines
Arts Illustration
Arts Performing Arts
Arts Directories
Arts Photography
Arts Architecture
Arts Art History
Arts People
Arts Weblogs
Arts Awards
Arts Music
Arts Entertainment
Arts Literature
Arts Writers Resources
Arts Classical Studies
Arts Comics
Arts Organizations
Arts Television
Arts Visual Arts
Arts Movies
Arts Animation
Arts Crafts
Arts Online Writing
Arts Genres
Arts Bodyart
Arts Periods and Movements
Arts Radio
Business Cooperatives
Business Major Companies
Business Directories
Business Customer Service
Business E-Commerce
Business International Business and Trade
Business Transportation and Logistics
Business Agriculture and Forestry
Business Management
Business Resources
Business Business Services
Business Materials
Business Employment
Business Small Business
Business Arts and Entertainment
Business Information Technology
Business Telecommunications
Business Electronics and Electrical
Business News and Media
Business Financial Services
Business Retail Trade
Business Industrial Goods and Services
Business Construction and Maintenance
Business Aerospace and Defense
Business Chemicals
Business Investing
Business Textiles and Nonwovens
Business Energy
Business Accounting
Business Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals
Business Automotive
Business Food and Related Products
Business Environment
Business Opportunities
Business Marketing and Advertising
Business Education and Training
Business Publishing and Printing
Business Hospitality
Business Real Estate
Business Consumer Goods and Services
Business Healthcare
Business Business and Society
Business Mining and Drilling
Business Wholesale Trade
Business Human Resources
Computers Bulletin Board Systems
Computers Organizations
Computers Performance and Capacity
Computers Artificial Life
Computers Mobile Computing
Computers FAQs%2C Help%2C and Tutorials
Computers E-Books
Computers News and Media
Computers CAD and CAM
Computers Consultants
Computers Internet
Computers History
Computers Programming
Computers Companies
Computers Education
Computers Desktop Publishing
Computers Software
Computers Open Source
Computers Multimedia
Computers Systems
Computers Security
Computers Data Formats
Computers Hacking
Computers Data Communications
Computers Chats and Forums
Computers Parallel Computing
Computers Hardware
Computers Robotics
Computers Speech Technology
Computers Emulators
Computers Graphics
Computers Ethics
Computers Algorithms
Computers Usenet
Computers Human-Computer Interaction
Computers Virtual Reality
Computers Computer Science
Computers Home Automation
Computers Intranet
Computers Artificial Intelligence
Games Developers and Publishers
Games Play-By-Mail
Games Play Groups
Games Puzzles
Games Trading Card Games
Games Gambling
Games Online
Games Card Games
Games Video Games
Games Board Games
Games Roleplaying
Games Dice
Games Party Games
Games Miniatures
Games Game Studies
Games Coin-Op
Games Paper and Pencil
Games Yard%2C Deck%2C and Table Games
Games Hand-Eye Coordination
Health Occupational Health and Safety
Health Organizations
Health Home Health
Health Education
Health Mental Health
Health Aging
Health Nursing
Health Senses
Health Specific Substances
Health Pharmacy
Health Alternative
Health Resources
Health Women%27s Health
Health Reproductive Health
Health Search Engines
Health Addictions
Health Professions
Health Conditions and Diseases
Health Senior Health
Health Fitness
Health Dentistry
Health Weight Loss
Health Beauty
Health Nutrition
Health News and Media
Health Animal
Health Medicine
Health Men%27s Health
Health Child Health
Health Public Health and Safety
Health Support Groups
Health Teen Health
Health Directories
Home Emergency Preparation
Home Urban Living
Home Homeowners
Home Entertaining
Home Personal Organization
Home Personal Finance
Home Home Improvement
Home Consumer Information
Home Family
Home Homemaking
Home Cooking
Home Moving and Relocating
Home Do-It-Yourself
Home Gardening
Home Apartment Living
Home Rural Living
Home News and Media
Kids and Teens Computers
Kids and Teens Arts
Kids and Teens International
Kids and Teens Directories
Kids and Teens Sports and Hobbies
Kids and Teens Teen Life
Kids and Teens Health
Kids and Teens People and Society
Kids and Teens School Time
Kids and Teens Your Family
Kids and Teens Entertainment
Kids and Teens Games
Kids and Teens Pre-School
News Media Industry
News Newspapers
News Current Events
News Satire
News Colleges and Universities
News Weblogs
News Weather
News Analysis and Opinion
News Media
News Breaking News
News Alternative
Recreation Living History
Recreation Parties
Recreation Trains and Railroads
Recreation Tobacco
Recreation Birding
Recreation Roads and Highways
Recreation Picture Ratings
Recreation Theme Parks
Recreation Models
Recreation Autos
Recreation Knives
Recreation Drugs
Recreation Boating
Recreation Scouting
Recreation Climbing
Recreation Aviation
Recreation Travel
Recreation Nudism
Recreation Radio
Recreation Collecting
Recreation Camps
Recreation Guns
Recreation Antiques
Recreation Motorcycles
Recreation Food
Recreation Pets
Recreation Humor
Recreation Outdoors
Recreation Locks
Recreation Kites
Recreation Audio
Recreation Directories
Reference Biography
Reference Education
Reference Knowledge Management
Reference Libraries
Reference Quotations
Reference Dictionaries
Reference Maps
Reference Encyclopedias
Reference Time
Reference Archives
Reference Knots
Reference Directories
Reference Museums
Reference Flags
Reference Ask an Expert
Regional Central America
Regional Polar Regions
Regional Asia
Regional Middle East
Regional Europe
Regional Africa
Regional North America
Regional Oceania
Regional Caribbean
Regional South America
Science Employment
Science News and Media
Science Events
Science Research Groups and Centers
Science Organizations
Science Educational Resources
Science Chats and Forums
Science Instruments and Supplies
Science Chemistry
Science Reference
Science Publications
Science Math
Science Methods and Techniques
Science Technology
Science Environment
Science Physics
Science Directories
Science Software
Science Social Sciences
Science Biology
Science Astronomy
Science Science in Society
Science Anomalies and Alternative Science
Science Earth Sciences
Science Agriculture
Shopping Consumer Electronics
Shopping Office Products
Shopping Clothing
Shopping Directories
Shopping Publications
Shopping Vehicles
Shopping Photography
Shopping Death Care
Shopping Weddings
Shopping Music
Shopping Toys and Games
Shopping Sports
Shopping Visual Arts
Shopping Health
Shopping Classifieds
Shopping Antiques and Collectibles
Shopping General Merchandise
Shopping Tools
Shopping Jewelry
Shopping Ethnic and Regional
Shopping Auctions
Shopping Entertainment
Shopping Pets
Shopping Gifts
Shopping Flowers
Shopping Food
Shopping Niche
Shopping Tobacco
Shopping Recreation
Shopping Home and Garden
Shopping Crafts
Shopping Holidays
Shopping Travel
Shopping Children
Society Activism
Society Support Groups
Society Transgendered
Society Work
Society Gay%2C Lesbian%2C and Bisexual
Society Ethnicity
Society Philanthropy
Society Paranormal
Society Disabled
Society Future
Society Law
Society Genealogy
Society Military
Society History
Society Relationships
Society Issues
Society Government
Society Lifestyle Choices
Society Crime
Society Religion and Spirituality
Society People
Society Folklore
Society Holidays
Society Philosophy
Society Sexuality
Society Organizations
Society Advice
Society Subcultures
Society Death
Society Politics
Sports Airsoft
Sports Skating
Sports Lacrosse
Sports Racquetball
Sports Cricket
Sports Rodeo
Sports Team Spirit
Sports Gymnastics
Sports Greyhound Racing
Sports Fencing
Sports Martial Arts
Sports Wrestling
Sports Bowling
Sports Equestrian
Sports Informal Sports
Sports People
Sports Golf
Sports Fantasy
Sports Tennis
Sports Basketball
Sports Softball
Sports Baseball
Sports Soccer
Sports Boomerang
Sports Events
Sports Cycling
Sports Skateboarding
Sports Running
Sports Water Sports
Sports Table Tennis
Sports Software
Sports Darts
Sports Motorsports
Sports Hockey
Sports Walking
Sports Winter Sports
Sports Track and Field
Sports Adventure Racing
Sports Football
Sports Volleyball
Sports Strength Sports
Sports Paintball
Sports Cue Sports
Sports Netball
Sports Boxing
Sports Multi-Sports
Sports Resources
Sports Disabled
Sports Flying Discs
Sports Extreme Sports


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