Niche Laboratory - Free LSI inspired keyword ideas for SEO and more...

Stuck for ideas? Use this free Slogan Idea Generator to come up with some catchy tagline slogans for your business or website. If you use the WordPress content management system then they're ideal for using as the site's in a few words, explain what this site is about tagline. To use the Slogan Generator, just type in your keyword or business niche into the text box below and click on the Generate Slogan Ideas button. It works better with nouns (e.g. dog toys, hamster wheels). You might need to tweak some of the taglines depending on whether you enter a singular or plural niche idea. Also bear in mind some of the ideas it comes up with might not be totally appropriate for your niche. If you need even more taglines generated, then just click the button again to get some more suggestions.



Find out how competitive your niche is with our new Keyword Competition Checker Tool!



Need even more business ideas? Our Niche Laboratory SEO tool can research your niche for you, and Blog Spy analyzes your online competitors. There's also our Clickbait Article Title Generator that will come up with some catchy clickbait style titles for your blog post articles. Finally our sister site FindABlog can show you what your competitors are blogging about.

Tagline/Slogan Generator Tips

Here are some tips for making the most of the slogans you can generate using this free service. Coming up with a catchy tagline for your business or blog can help improve your visitors' trust in your online presence, at little additional effort.

I built this slogan generator as I'm always starting micro niche websites and it's always a hassle to come up with a good tagline to put into the Wordpress Tagline box under the site's General Settings. phpBB forums also have a similar strapline if you use the default prosilver theme.

In 2002 I started my own online business. Below the company name logo I wanted to add a strapline in contrasting colours. I settled for Quality Web Development at Affordable Prices. I thought I'd made it up out of thin air. But a few weeks later I was walking to the train station and I realised it was a tagline on a plumber or electrician's van that was often parked just up the road from my house. So I'd somehow subconciously read this tagline and then "invented it" from my subconcious.

So before you use any particular strapline though, just do a bit of a search to make sure you're not accidentally or intentionally infringing on other peoples' trademarked terms. Be wary of using other slogan generators like this one or this one which will give you a whole heap of slogans like Just Do _____., P-P-P-Pick Up A ______. and To Our Members, We're the Fourth Emergency ______.

They sound great don't they? But most of them are iconic advertising taglines used by some of the biggest companies in the world. So you'll need to Think Different if you want to avoid being sued.

More Online Tools

Make Some Catchy Blog Post Titles

A really easy change you can make to your site in order to get a lot more traffic from search engines is to simply tune up your post titles. Use our Catchy Article Title Generator to help you write much more interesting article titles.

Analyze Your Competitors

Niche Laboratory has a new sister product called Blog Spy. You can use it to quickly, easily and cheaply spy on your closest online competitors.

Blog Spy ranks each of the Wordpress or Blogger blogs you're competing with on a colour coded scale according to how easy it is likely to be to outrank them. Use this invaluable information to steal traffic from sites ranked lower than your own. Reach out to the influencers running blogs that are more highly ranked than your own. Get links from their blogs, and see what they're obviously doing right.

For example, when I ran Blog Spy on my own site I found out my major competitor Income School don't actually actually blog anymore - they've turned to video blogging (vlogging). Well that was a smart move because video is absolutely massive these days, and I'm pleased with my own results with NicheLaboratory.TV.

If you don't want to download Blog Spy then check out our sister site FindABlog. This site lists tens of thousands of blogs in a huge number of niches. Use it to get niche ideas, or browse the categories to see what successful bloggers are blogging about in your niche.

Find Awesome Long Tail Keywords

There are so many keyword tools to choose from these days. But how do you find keywords you can ACTUALLY rank for? Simple - use Keyword Researcher Pro. This tool automatically searches Google, Amazon and eBay and finds you thousands of long tail and LSI themed keywords that desparate buyers are searching for right now. It will easily pay for itself with one or two good keywords found. Get started with the Keyword Researcher Pro free trial.


Find 1000's of long tail keywords for your website - CLICK HERE to get started...

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