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Hot Niche Ideas I've Found Register Here

Posted by BrettB
Registered User
26 Jul 2017 09:36

Brett from Niche Laboratory here.

In this thread I'll dump some niche ideas I've come across from the vast database of stuff my sites accumulate.

These are niches that you can rank for fairly easily. So buy a domain and get building these sites!

P.S. These are not stolen from Niche Laboratory jobs you submit, they largely come out of my Webmaster Tools account.

If you want more niche ideas, check out nicheideaoftheday.

Posted by BrettB
Registered User
26 Jul 2017 09:42

First up the "what do I call my baby niche".

This is quite competitive now, but there are numerous micro-niches.

I remember that one young British girl made a boat load of money by noticing Chinese people like to get English names. But the English names they chose (e.g. Rose) were quite dated. So she made a website where Chinese people could find much more contemporary names (Britney, Chardonnay?)

One niche idea is for female muslim names. And you could structure the site to show muslim names for girls starting with a. Well that's your first 26 pages taken care of!

If you're an Arabic native speaker, then this could be an especially good niche for you.

Posted by BrettB
Registered User
26 Jul 2017 09:46

OK so I was browsing my Webmaster Tools account and this keyword caught my eye:

marilyn monroe camisole

So how about making a site about how to dress like a celeb. Not a Kardashian, but a famous celebrity from history.

This could be a gigantic niche, and it's a great one if you like fashion. It's also a unique angle on a fairly competitive niche.

You can still get traffic to clothes themed niche sites - I started one back in January of this year and I'm getting quite a bit of traffic. These people are BUYERS as well. So IF you get traffic, you WILL make money!

Posted by BrettB
Registered User
26 Jul 2017 09:54

No specific keywords this time but did you know there are people making $1000's of $1000's each month in the guns and the general preppers niches?

Maybe you need a piece of this action. Just be sure to convert your website earnings into easily stored gold!

Prepping is big in the USA, but if you're not an American citizen then how about making a prepper site for your own citizens?

I'm sure it's not just me but the world is feeling more unsafe than anytime I can remember. Actually I work in Westminster, London, very close to where two terrorist attacks took place earlier this year. And a few years ago the store my sister worked in was destroyed by a terrorist bomb.

Posted by BrettB
Registered User
26 Jul 2017 19:27

Here's another niche. It's an awesome one. I'll give it away for free here as I have no interest in it personally.

The niche is... KTM motorcycles.

By far the most popular page on is the page about the KTM Talk forum.

Apparently this forum was active, then it closed down.

Well if you like motorbikes then this is your chance to make it big online!

Incidentally, any car or other vehicle niche is often good one. I once worked with a guy who had a small site in the camper van niche. It got some good visitor numbers, but I don't think he realised its full potential.

Don't automatically start a blog though - consider starting a forum or other membership site.

Posted by MrCroissantTaker
Registered User
27 Jul 2017 10:26

Thanks for the niche ideas.

Here's a news article about the girl who made the baby names website:

And you can try the website here:

Notice that it is an e-commerce site. Users have to buy the names. So it's not just an advertising supported site!

Posted by BrettB
Registered User
04 Aug 2017 12:28

When I recently rebuilt the Niche Laboratory I added a few sample projects. You can view the sample projects by going to the Sample Projects drop-down menu at the top of this page.

Now I am starting to see results in my Google Analytics - below are a few of the queries these test pages are ranking for.

Cat Toys

This seems to have been the best sample project - most of the sample keywords I'm ranking for are cat related!

So this could be a great niche for a micro-niche site.

Here are some wonderful long tail keywords:

cat toys made with real fur
cat toys that move
ironman cat toys
real fur mice cat toys
toys for declawed cats
interactive cat toys for indoor cats

That ironman keyword is wonderful - think of all the other celebs/characters you could find cat toys for! This could be a micro-niche site of its own.

Two other keywords (not cat related) also stood out:

executive diet
executive dresses

So you could either make a general website aimed at busy executives. Or you could incorporate these keywords into your existing site related to diets or clothing.

As I keep banging on about, clothing is still a wonderful niche for us amateurs to have a go at.

Pets are also good!

So are YOU going to build a cat toys niche site?

Posted by BrettB
Registered User
22 Feb 2018 03:59

Anyone building shopping sites?

In this episode of NicheLaboratory.TV I research a wonderful shopping niche that doesn't appear to have that much competition...

Posted by BrettB
Registered User
03 Mar 2018 05:45

Here's some more HOT niches.

I've compiled a list of the top 100 forums ordered by how easy it should be to rank for their typical keywords.

How much is this data worth to you?

Well I'm giving it away for FREE, but you need to be a Platinum Member of Niche Laboratory to be able to access it.

Here's the data:

To get Platinum Membership of Niche Laboratory you currently need to submit just 1 product review that I can use on this site.

Did I say that you also get a whole load of other benefits including a free keyword tool? I must be crazy!!! Go here to find out more.

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Kelvin   06 June 2019

Been around since 2009 means you've had so much experience in this space. I'm really considering expanding into promoting products in other niches using paid ads but my limitation is that I don't know how to speak a second language.

I agree with you that low gravity shouldn't be a criterion for selecting products to promote as there are some uncompetitive products with very low gravity. I'll like to add some characteristics of products you shouldn't promote:

1. Clickbank products that have (external) ads on their sales page
2. Products with buy buttons that do not go to the Clickbank order page
3. Products that exaggerate their promises, especially financial promises. Promises like these will lead to high refund rates (most MMO products have refund rates over 20% in fact).
4. Unresponsive vendors. Before starting to promote a product, ALWAYS contact the vendor (ask for a review copy, or ask a question about the product, or just introduce yourself). If you get no reply within 48hours do NOT promote the product.

Recently, I came across a course created by Clickbank's current #1 affiliate that claims to teach people how to drive traffic to Clickbank offers using Facebook Ads. I've seen some good reviews and positive testimonies online about the course. Here's one

What do you think about the course?